Ad­dic­tion the­ra­py du­ring a pan­de­mic?

Wit­hout su­per­vi­sed uri­ne collec­tion?

No pro­blem. 

Thanks to the Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal-Sys­tem.

Op­ti­mal sup­port in ad­dic­tion the­ra­py:
15 ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence hel­ped us de­ve­lop the Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal-Sys­tem
Uri­ne tes­ting in­de­pen­dent of lo­ca­ti­on or ap­point­ment
Com­ple­te in­fec­tion pro­tec­tion
Se­cu­ring pa­ti­ent ca­re
Ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on-pro­of uri­ne sam­ple collec­tion
Re­li­ef for your me­di­cal staff

"Re­cent­ly, a pro­ce­du­re was de­ve­lo­ped for ta­king PEGM, which needs no di­rect con­t­rol and can the­re­fo­re be ca­ried out by the pa­ti­ent any­whe­re and wit­hout a hu­man-hu­man con­ta­ct. This is do­ne using his mo­bi­le pho­ne and a spe­ci­fic ap­pli­ca­ti­on. The stan­dar­di­zed in­ta­ke is re­cor­ded as a vi­deo, en­cryp­ted using block chain tech­no­lo­gy and sent to the doc­tor in char­ge who checks that the in­ta­ke is cor­rect."

Learn mo­re! (pa­per availa­ble in Ger­man)

Pro­ducts & Ser­vices

Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal-Sys­tem

Lo­ca­ti­on in­de­pen­dent uri­ne scree­ning


Wit­hout an ap­point­ment - any time! 

Ru­ma® Cap­su­le

The next ge­ne­ra­ti­on of the Mar­ker-Sys­tem.

Ru­ma® Clas­sic

The re­lia­ble al­ter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal di­rect ob­ser­va­ti­on

Di­rect ob­ser­va­ti­on vs. Ru­ma® Mar­ker-Sys­tem

Why this evil is no lon­ger ne­cess­a­ry.

Ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on? Nice try!

The sci­ence be­hind ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on at­tempts and their de­tec­tion.

Sci­en­ti­fic pa­pers

Ex­cerpts and links

Blood - Sa­li­va - Uri­ne

Which ma­trix is ca­pa­ble of what?


We­bi­nars and trai­ning

on all re­le­vant is­su­es re­gar­ding uri­ne scree­ning

Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal Sys­tem & Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal Sys­tem Pro

For the pa­ti­ents:

Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal Sys­tem

The pa­ti­ent down­loads the Ru­ma app to their smart­pho­ne. The phy­si­ci­an needs to ac­ti­va­te the app to en­su­re pro­per ope­ra­ti­on. Da­ta pro­ces­sing is do­ne in a block­chain and thus sa­ti­fies the hig­hest re­qui­re­ments re­gar­ding da­ta pro­tec­tion and safe­ty.


Plea­se no­te:

Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal Sys­tem and Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal Sys­tem Pro work hand in hand. On­ly a user of Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal Sys­tem Pro, mea­ning for ex­ample your trea­ting phy­si­ci­an, can ac­ti­va­te Ru­ma Di­gi­tal Sys­tem for you and as­sign mar­kers to you.

For the me­di­cal of­fice:
Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal Sys­tem Pro


The Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal Sys­tem pro­vi­des the phy­si­ci­an with a clo­sed te­le­me­di­cal in­fra­st­ruc­tu­re that is ea­sy to im­ple­ment wit­hout much tech­ni­cal know how. Do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and va­li­da­ti­on of mar­ker in­ta­ke is do­ne di­gi­tal­ly and thus al­lows re­lia­ble ad­he­rence con­fir­ma­ti­on.