The Ru­ma Mar­ker-Sys­tem in sports

Doping is as old as competitive sports itself.

In light of this uncomfortable truth, sportspersons all over the world has to undergo strictly controlled drug tests. Urine is the preferred medium even here – with the known negative effects:

  • Increased stress for the tested athletes due to degrading visual inspection on the one hand
  • Known deficiencies of visual inspection and the associated risk of successful manipulation on the other hand

Stress has detrimental effects on performance

Various studies prove that a significant number of athletes have major problems with doping tests (e.g. Strahler & Elbe, 2007).


The perceived general suspicion is one of the main reasons that put stress on the athletes. But even the drug tests themselves cause stress resulting in psychological disorders such as psychogenic urinary retention. The consequences of these disorders were examined by the Danish scientist Anne-Marie Elbe (Elbe et al. 2012).

Our con­tri­bu­ti­on to cle­an sports

Do­ping tests are an im­por­tant tool in com­pe­ti­ti­ve sports and this fact is un­dis­pu­ted. Howe­ver, we do ques­ti­on the ne­ces­si­ty of ex­po­sing the ath­le­tes to the in­crea­sed stress of ob­ser­ved uri­ne sam­ple collec­tion. Be­cau­se the­re is ano­ther op­ti­on!

In­s­tead of es­cor­ting the ath­le­tes to the ba­th­room, the do­ping in­spec­tor just mo­ni­tors the wai­ting time of 40-mi­nu­tes. The in­spec­tor can re­lax and just make su­re that the ath­le­te doesn't drink too much flu­id du­ring this time or that the ath­le­te does not have ac­cess to other sub­s­tan­ces such as soap or dis­in­fec­tants that may in­ter­fe­re with the ana­ly­ti­cal pro­cess!

Our de­tail­ed, qua­li­ty as­su­red pro­ce­du­re for the collec­tion and hand­ling of fo­ren­sic samp­les al­so meets the hig­hest re­qui­re­ments re­gar­ding do­ping con­t­rol.


For mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on, plea­se con­ta­ct us at in­fo@​mar­ker-​test.​de or use our con­ta­ct form.