Ad­dic­tion the­ra­py du­ring a pan­de­mic?

Wit­hout su­per­vi­sed uri­ne collec­tion?

No pro­blem. 

Thanks to the Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal-Sys­tem.

In­no­va­tio­ns and up-to-date in­for­ma­ti­on

Ar­ti­cle "Ärz­te­blatt" | Ju­ly 2020 

"... One non-con­ta­ct pos­si­bi­li­ty to mo­ni­tor ad­he­rence in ad­dic­tion the­ra­py is the uri­ne mar­ker tech­no­lo­gy. It al­lows pa­ti­ents to pro­vi­de uri­ne samp­les wit­hout di­rect con­ta­ct to their the­ra­pist..."



Ad­dic­tion the­ra­py du­ring a pan­de­mic?

Wit­hout su­per­vi­sed uri­ne collec­tion?

No pro­blem. 

Thanks to the Ru­ma® Di­gi­tal-Sys­tem.


Mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on

Ar­ti­cle "Sucht­me­di­zin" | Sep­tem­ber 2020 

"Howe­ver, tho­se who use the sys­tem can be­ne­fit in seve­r­al ways. Pri­va­cy vio­la­ting di­rect ob­ser­va­ti­on is drop­ped, self-re­spon­si­bi­li­ty is em­powered and the time is no lon­ger lost to so­me­times long rou­tes to and from the trea­ting cli­nics."


Down­lad in Ger­man

USA­DA sym­po­si­um | Sep­tem­ber 2020 

19th An­nu­al USA­DA Sym­po­si­um on An­ti-Do­ping Sci­ence – Vir­tu­al (lecture Prof. Dr. rer. nat. K. Baum on Oct. 9th, 2020. Fourth lecture in the video - position 1:14)


lecture on Vi­

We are the lea­ding sys­tem re­gar­ding ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on-pro­of and hass­le-free uri­ne ana­ly­ses in ad­dic­tion the­ra­py and do­ping tests.


Sin­ce 2006 the Ru­ma Mar­ker-Sys­tem ser­ves phy­si­ci­ans, psy­cho­lo­gists, cor­rec­tional staff, pro­ba­ti­on of­fi­cers and of cour­se pa­ti­ents and sub­jects in the­ra­py, with­dra­wal and oc­cu­pa­tio­nal me­di­ci­ne by pro­vi­ding ve­ri­fied and trans­pa­rent ana­ly­sis re­sults and fa­ci­li­ta­ted of­fice rou­ti­nes.

From a com­plex pro­blem to a simp­le so­lu­ti­on: The Ru­ma Mar­ker-Sys­tem.

Ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on? Nice try!

The sci­ence be­hind ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on at­tempts and their de­tec­tion.


Di­rect ob­ser­va­ti­on vs. Ru­ma® Mar­ker-Sys­tem

A clear decision.


Why the Ru­ma Digital-Sys­tem?

The ad­van­ta­ges at a glan­ce.
