About Us
From Idea to Business
Urine tests are at the same time important tool and necessary evil in many areas. In every context where information on consumer behavior regarding drugs, alcohol or performance enhancing substances is required, urine is used as an easily obtainable matrix for analysis.
But even though urine can be collected easily and without interference with physical integrity - it is also easily manipulated. Observation during urine sample collection is supposed to ensure at least that the right urine sample is analyzed and not one that may have been secretly substituted by the respective test subject.
Neither users nor experts deny that this situation is decidedly unsatisfactory. Direct observation is degrading for all involved and its actual value in terms of result reliability is rather low.
That's the reason why we founded a company that is entirely focussed on solving this central problem with pooled expertise and scientific work. In 2006 already Ruma GmbH has developed a procedure that ensures ensures the identity and the quality of the respective urine sample without invasion of privacy: the Ruma Marker-System.
For now more than 15 years the Ruma Marker-System serves physicians, psychologists, correctional staff, probation officers and, of course, patients and test subjects in therapy, detox and work place testing with verified and reproducible analytical results and smoother workflows.
The Ruma Marker-System is easy to use and unrivalled in terms of results. Against the backdrop of our many years of experience and on the basis of continuing scientific studies it is our aim to support you and your important work with reliable, noninvasive urine testing.
With innovation as our core value we did our utmost to improve the Ruma Marker-System.
Under the scientific management of Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ruprecht Keller we continuously broadened and augmented the procedure. The success of our work is reflected in a vast number of recommendations, guidelines, verdicts and ministerial directives that, today, all acknowledge urine marking as equivalent to direct observation or even grant significant superiority to the Ruma Marker-System.
In order to meet the needs of our users we have developed the convenient Ruma Capsule as an alternative to the tried and tested liquid marker Ruma Classic.
The highly sensitive LC-MS/MS method used for capsule analysis makes it possible to analyze the sample for the applied markr and a broad range of substances at the same time.
In another groundbreaking development Ruma GmbH has transferred the analog procedure of urine marking into the digital world. The certified medical device Ruma Digital-System (Pro) uses blockchain technology to link physician and patient through an app. In combination with the Ruma Capsule this makes it possible for the very first time to collect urine samples freely and entirely independent of location but still securely and verifiably marked.
Reliability in accordance with European standard
For Ruma GmbH, the quality of our products and services is a matter of utmost importance. Certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 we put greatest emphasis on dilligence and care in all aspects of our work. As manufacturers of medical devices under the terms of (EU) 2017/745 we maintain risk management as per ISO 14971:2019 and protect our systems and the information of our customers using the tools of ISO 27001:2018.